Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Winter Sports

Jack and Jenna did basketball this winter. Jack had a rough start but really improved dramatically by the end of the season. He was on the Knicks. Ben and I were very proud of him!

Jenna had fun playing with the little hoops. It was fun to watch her progress. The little kids didn't have any games just practice, practice, practice and of course snack!

Katie did swim team. She got so strong over the season as they practiced daily for 2 hours. Her strokes improved and she did well in her age group as she was still in the 8 and under group. At her very first meet, she swam a goood 50 meter freestyle in her first event. After getting out of the pool, she began to walk away only to have her coach pull her back to swim the lead position for the next event which was a 200 meter relay because events had been scratched. So here my baby got back up on the blocks only to swim another 50 meters. She was the golden girl that day. Everyone yelled and cheered for her....it was quite a first experience!


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