Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Well children's modeling is big business here in Korea. The first week we were here in Korea I was approached by an agent who wanted to take pictures of the kids and measure them. I am glad that I was told of this practice beforehand otherwise I would have been extremely leary of the whole thing. Now it is a common ocurrence for the kids....you can be anywhere in the store, at the playground or even just taking the garbage out and these agents come out of no where and ask to do the measuring and picture taking thing. All three kids have had this done repeatedly without any luck of jobs until out of the blue an agent called for Jenna. Now over the past year, Jenna has made more than $2,000 doing modeling jobs. She has modeled for both Korean and American clothing companies. Jack has worked too modeling bathing suits but poor Katie hasn't. There doesn't seem to be a real rhyme or reason after talking to other parents as to who works and who doesn't but it seems as if you say yes to a job just once you have more opportunities to work again.

Here are a few pictures of Jenna is action.


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