Friday, January 05, 2007

Our first family ski trip......

Well, the Navy Club did it again.......a really great deal on a bus ski trip up to Yongpyong Ski Resort. It was such a great deal that we were put on a waiting list because the bus was full but as it turns out several families dropped out at the last minute so we were happy to join in on the fun.

We were hoping to get the kids signed into ski school but all the classes were full for the day and so it was up to Ben and I to teach them. We decided to have them go without poles and it proved to be a good decision. We stuck to the beginner slope with a basic lean forward and put your hands on your knees kind of thing. They all did a really good job. The weather was mild and so it made for a pleasant day on the slopes. It did cloud up and snow on us but soon after the sun shined down once again. The ski lift was a little challenging but the operators were most helpful especially helping to pull Jenna up. At the top, I just sort of pushed and pulled her along. Here are some pictures from our day:


Blogger Dave said...

Wow, skiing in Korea, who knew?
On News Year's weekend, Shane and I played golf on Saturday and we went skiing to Camelback on Sunday. Not possible now as old man Winter has finally arrived, BRRR. We'll be heading to the Split Rock Resort in the Poconos for President's Day weekend and skiing at Jack Frost/Big Boulder with 8 families and 37 kids!Finally got new shape skiis for Jen and myself, last year's model for a steal. Can't wait to try them out.
Just finished up travel basketball, Shane had a great season, as he was a big contributor to his team and improved steadily.
He has decided to play travel baseball with the 10 and under team. This is a more competitive team where he will do well.
The team he played for last year was a bunch of cry babies, so I thing he can learn more from this coach and they are much more disciplined. We'll travel to Maryland for a tournament in June.
Not sure who travels more, you or JP, maybe we should get out more.
JP and Maria came over for the Superbowl yesterday, good to catch up.
Shane is enjoying his Nintendo Wii and got a great second semester report card.
All is well in Little Silver, enjoying the hot tub and outdoor fireplace.
Glad M&D are coming for a visit.
Stay well, send us an e-mail.
Love ya, Dave, Jen and Shane, Marzi too!!

6:22 AM


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