Saturday, December 30, 2006

Ben and Leafa in Australia

We left the kids at home for a whirl wind 7 day trip to Melbourne and Sydney. We went on an organized tour with the Navy Club here on base. They discount trips for Marine and Navy personnel which makes them such a good deal. Grandma Linda stayed home with Katie, Jack and Jenna. I am pleased to say that they were very good while we were away.

We started in Melbourne. Ben and I enjoyed a good Saturday night out on the town.

We saw kangaroos in the wild.

We saw beautiful coastline as we drove up the Great Ocean Road.

Can you see the koala in the tree?

We stopped to see the 12 Apostles. The scenery was breathtaking!

After arriving in Sydney, we went to see the Blue Mountains. These mountains and forest have been here since the dinosaurs roamed the earth. We went down into the canyon and walked through the rainforest before taking a gondola back up to the top.

We went to a wildlife santuary and were able to see the animals close up. Our bus got there very late and the park was closing. Our group was left behind as the workers just locked up and left us by ourselves in the park. We found our way out through the employee only exit.

We made it to Sydney Harbour!

We had a pint to celebrate! a bar that Ben felt comfortable in....

We took a harbour cruise. We both really enjoyed it. It was a little cooler on the water, however, and we found ourselves chasing the sun. We traveled back and forth across the boat always trying to be in the sun. The harbour is beautiful and we were lucky to have the perfect day. Here are a few pictures:

The famous beaches of Sydney!


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