Monday, September 11, 2006

Driving in Seoul

I must say that I love driving in Seoul. Now that does not mean I like sitting in traffic which is apart of the whole experience. No I enjoy the head to head combat that occurs when vehicles are actually moving forward. It is such an exhilarating experience. It is empowering for me because of the need to take action and really put yourself out there. If you are timid you will get nowhere. There is this blinking yellow light at an intersection by my school, drivers simply hold up their hand to cars basically telling them to stop and proceeding to drive or make turns. If you let this go on you will basically just sit there and not move an inch. After getting the feel for driving off base, I am now fully prepared to give the hand and proceed as needed. I learned that they will get out of the way and stop especially when the van is bearing down on them. Now I just need to watch out for those pedestrians, scooters, bicycles and that's an entirely different story!


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