Friday, January 05, 2007

Our first family ski trip......

Well, the Navy Club did it again.......a really great deal on a bus ski trip up to Yongpyong Ski Resort. It was such a great deal that we were put on a waiting list because the bus was full but as it turns out several families dropped out at the last minute so we were happy to join in on the fun.

We were hoping to get the kids signed into ski school but all the classes were full for the day and so it was up to Ben and I to teach them. We decided to have them go without poles and it proved to be a good decision. We stuck to the beginner slope with a basic lean forward and put your hands on your knees kind of thing. They all did a really good job. The weather was mild and so it made for a pleasant day on the slopes. It did cloud up and snow on us but soon after the sun shined down once again. The ski lift was a little challenging but the operators were most helpful especially helping to pull Jenna up. At the top, I just sort of pushed and pulled her along. Here are some pictures from our day:

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Decorating for Christmas.....

The kids were so ready to decorate this year. Everytime I turned around they were asking if it was time to put up the tree. I was completely prepared for their help to last a total of 5 minutes. I was astounded when they actually did help from start to finish. I let them put on the ornaments and didn't fix a what if an entire section was bare while others were so heavy from the 25 ornamtents that hung from one branch. It was ours and it was beautiful....see for yourself....