Sunday, July 30, 2006 it goes. I have said over and over again for the past month and a half that I would get this blog up and going so I decided that today was the day. So today is "The first time".....and what exactly do I begin with? Well, it seems that the family has been doing alot of things for the very first time these days. Our new life in Seoul is filled with so many new things and we have been eagerly embracing each experience with gusto! We have been busy since our arrival in early June. Our transition here from the states went very smoothly. We were fortunate enough to be offered a beautiful apartment right in the middle of everything on base. Our car and household goods shipment were waiting for us and so we have moved very quickly into our new life. Everyone has been most welcoming to our family. We already have made some good friends. We are very happy to be a family once again living under the same roof. We are looking forward to what we call "Our Korean Adventure" and would like to share our Life on Dragon Hill with you! We have and will continue to experience a number of "first times" here in Korea. Many of these experiences will become routine for us and some of them we hope never to repeat! Here are just a few to get this blog started:

Our list of firsts:

*bowing to greet someone instead of shaking hands
*using sign language to communicate effectively
*using sign language to communicate uneffectively
*using a Korean toilet
*having our children petted and touched by Korean women
*ordering food by number and hoping that it is chicken or beef
*navigating the subway
*trying to jump in the wave pool with 5,000 others all wearing swimming caps
*eating Kimchi
*driving aggressively and playing my car is bigger than your car


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